Primary Curriculum

We are commissioned by the Local Authority to take all primary age excluded pupils in the north of Derbyshire. The single registered pupils have a commissioned 18 hour full time offer which comprises of both a nurture programme and also our academic programme. The academic content may be delivered through either discrete subject lessons or by continuous curriculum provision (CCP) depending on pupil need. See the Nurture and the CCP Long term Plans. We aim for all primary pupils to be reintegrated back to mainstream. For year 6 pupils, they will automatically have the opportunity to transition to year 7 in a mainstream. Year 6 pupils do not transition to our KS3 provision.
The nurture programme rotates on a 4 week cycle and is based on the Boxall strands. All stands are covered over a 4 week period in nurture based activities. Pupils have multiple opportunities to develop their SEMH skills by following our curriculum which is based on the nurture principles. Each day has a focus on one or two strands. Pupils are assessed every 6 weeks.
The academic curriculum content includes english, phonics Read Write Inc, maths, science and PHRE. Where these subjects are delivered through continuous provision, multiple work stations are provided for pupils where they have a choice of activity in each lesson. Pupil pathways are based on stage and not age. There are 3 pathways, CCP, emerging and developing.